Are you ready to dominate Google?
Being found online is essential to the growth of your spray tan business. Without being found online, you are missing out on hundreds of potential clients every year.
SEO is an incredibly intricate and in depth topic that takes years to learn. I’ve been doing SEO for over 8 years and I am still learning new things today. Google has over 200+ ranking factors….I know, information overload!
This is knowledge and a service that I can charge clients thousands of dollars per month for access to. In fact, I’ve helped many clients and even consult with companies for over $100/hour.
I don’t say this to brag.
I say this to explain the amount and quality of information you will receive from this training. I want to make sure you walk away with a complete enough understanding of SEO to implement it on your own website, and to actually make a difference with your business.
For me, it’s quite simple. I want to help YOU and your business become the business you have always dreamed about. No matter how many times I hear it, it always blows my mind when people say that they don’t need a website for their business.
A recent #happytanner told me that they got 62% of their business in 2016 from Google and in 2017 it was up to 80%. Think about it…if you removed 62-80% of your business, would you still have a business at all?
I don’t think so!
I know, I could go on forever trying to explain to people the importance of SEO. But let’s face it, you are here because you want to learn and you want to help your business grow.