In this episode of the happytans podcast, John Darroch from Apollo Sprayers shares a lot of helpful information into the equipment side of the sunless tanning industry. He is the first guest we had that specializes in equipment for the sunless industry.
In this episode, you will learn:
- About John & Apollo’s background
- How they got into the sunless industry
- The spray tan equipment that Apollo has to offer
- How they are different from their competition
- + much more!
- Apollos website
- T5020 Deep clean (by Sjolie Sunless)
- T5020 Daily clean (by Sjolie Sunless)
- T6000 Deep clean (by Sjolie Sunless)
- T6000 Daily clean (by Sjolie Sunless)
- T5020 Intermittent Spray Troubleshoot (by Sjolie Sunless)
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